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Thursday, 30 May 2019

What is endovenous laser varicose vein surgery?

Endogenous laser varicose surgery is one of the treatment methods for varicose veins. The procedure uses heat to treat the bulging vein. The laser will send a thin beam of light that will make the vein to fade away.

Why you may need to use the treatment method

The best vein doctor in San Diego may suggest that you use this method after diagnosis. It is suitable method if the vein is sore or red and swollen. The SD Vein Specialist may be able to also suggest his method of the area being treated is irritated.


Risks of the laser treatment method

Every surgery has its fair share of risks and laser varicose treatment is not an exception. The risks include infection, bleeding, and pain on the vein, nerve damage, redness, blood clots and burns. There may be other risks on your general health. It is advisable that you talk with your Vein Specialist SD if you have any concerns.

How to prepare for the treatment

The Vein Specialist In SD will take you through the procedure before starting. You can take the time to ask any questions you may have. The doctor will ask you to sign a consent form before proceeding with the treatment. Make sure you read the form before signing and ask questions you may have. Before the procedure the doctor has been to determine if you are in good health. He will ask about your health history. You will also be required to take a blood test. You should not take any food or drink for eight hours before the procedure. You can arrange for someone to pick you up after the procedure.

What happens during the procedure?

 The procedure does not require staying in the hospital since it can be done in the doctors office. It has will take only an hour and you will be done with the treatment. Make sure you carry lose fitting clothes that you will wear after the surgery. The SD Vein Doctor will numb the area to be treated and inject you with numbing medicine.

What happens after the procedure?

The doctor will encourage you walk for about 30 minutes after the surgery. Your leg will have some bruises but it will go away in two weeks. After the surgery, you will need someone to drive you home.

At home

Once you get home, you have to do some things to speed up the healing process. The Vein Doctor SD will advise you to put an ice pack on the area for about 15 minutes. The ice pack will reduce swelling. You have to keep the incision way from water for about 48 hours. You will have to wear compression stockings for a few weeks. The stocking will prevent swelling. You will also be advised not to sit or lie down for long periods. It is also advisable to walk three times a day for about 10 minutes and do this for two weeks.

Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Everything you need to know about varicose veins

 If you have varicose veins, it's important if you are well informed and go to a Varicose Vein Doctor In San Diego. If you would like to know more about the problem, you have come to the right place. Here is what you need to know about the veins.

What are varicose veins?


 The varicose veins occur due to abnormal blood flow. It is common in legs since blood flows against gravity. It results into enlarged and painful veins. The varicose veins can become worse with age and will require you visit the Best Varicose Vein Doctor In San Diego.

Who is at risk of having varicose veins?

Varicose veins are more common in women than men. Women who have multiple children are likely to develop varicose veins. Also those who have family members with varicose veins are more likely to get it.

Can it be prevented?

There are ways the you can use to prevent varicose vein before seeing a Best Varicose Vein Doctor In San Diego or a Varicose Vein Specialist San Diego. One is by using compression stockings that apply pressure to the varicose veins and prevent blood from going the wrong way. It can also be helpful to exercise and embrace healthy diet.

Can they cause other medical conditions?

Varicose veins are not a cosmetic issue; they can cause a lot of discomfort. Some people can develop swelling due to the varicose veins. Some of the symptoms include itching and throbbing pain. There can be blood clots which can be very painful but is not life threatening so there may be no need to see a Vein Doctor In San Diego.

Treatment methods

There is a variety of treatment methods for varicose veins as you will discover from a spider Vein Specialist In San Diego. There are minimally invasive procedures that will make the condition better. These procedures are laser therapy, vein removal, and sclerotherapy. These are outpatient procedure and you do not need anaesthesia.

What to expect from the treatment

The treatment is minimally invasive and only requires incisions of less than an inch. You can go home 30 minutes after the Spider Vein Specialist San Diego is done with the procedure. You will also be able to resume your normal activities within 24 hours. It is advisable that you do not do any heavy exercise for two weeks. It is normal to feel some discomfort but it will go away after two weeks. You can manage the discomfort using over the counter medications.

Benefits of medical procedures

When you go to the Best Spider Vein Doctor In San Diego to have the treatment done, you are guaranteed of getting access to emergency care. Make sure that you get the procedure done by a qualified vein specialist. It will increase their chances of having the best results.

If you have varicose veins, now you know more about it. If you are deciding to go for the treatment, make sure that you consult with your doctor on the right method to use. Varicose veins do not have to stress you up when there are treatment method you can use. You can also try to minimize your risk of getting the varicose veins. Making lifestyle changes will go a long way in reducing or treating the varicose veins.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Choosing a varicose treatment method

When you have varicose or spider veins, you may be embarrassed to wear some of your outfits. The varicose veins bulge and make it hard to do some things that you love. If varicose veins are making it hard to live your life to the fullest, then it is high time you sought for a solution and see a varicose Vein Specialist SD.

Nowadays, there are many treatment methods at your disposal. You may only have a challenge choosing the right treatment. The kind of treatment your Varicose Vein Doctor In SD uses depends on several factors. Here are just some of them so you know what to expect when you you go to the Best Varicose Vein Doctor In SD or the Best Spider Vein Specialist In SD.


If you are looking for the best vein treatment, you have to talk to a Spider Vein Specialist SD.

Severity of the varicose veins

The other factor to consider is the severity of the varicose veins. EVLT is also suitable for severe conditions. It can lead work on both small and larger veins.


Older people may not go through the sclerosing method. Your Spider Vein Specialist In SD will advise you accordingly.


If the reason you want to remove the varicose veins is because of pain, then your Best Vein Specialist In SD may suggest the EVLT.

Overall condition

For anyone who is pregnant, breast feeding of bed ridden, the sclerotherapy is a suitable method.

Size of the vein

Larger veins will require different treatment method than the smaller veins.

If you have decided that you want to go for the varicose vein treatment centre, there are many options at your disposal. There are some options that are more effective than others. Thus, making it hard to choose the right treatment method. If you are in such a dilemma, then you do not have to worry anymore.

Smaller sized varicose capillaries therapy

If you have smaller sized varicose capillaries, then the treatment options at your disposal are those meant for smaller capillaries. These capillaries are not near the surface of the skin. The doctor will use less intrusive procedure for these capillaries. Thus, endovenous laser therapy is an appropriate method for this kind of varicose veins. Sclerotherapy can also be used. Sclerotherapy is where a solution is injected into the capillaries and it makes the blood to vanish. The laser therapy on the other hand will require a laser energy to shut the blood vessels. The vein specialist will perform the therapy without doing any laceration on your skin. The two treatments have short recovery time. Thus, you can go back to your normal duties in no time.

Protruding capillaries treatment

The protruding capillaries will have a different treatment method than the smaller capillaries. These veins are near the skin surface. Thus they will be treated with ambulatory phlectomy. The procedure is minimally invasive. Anaesthetic will only be used in this area being treated. Once the vein has been treated using this method, you do not have to worry about varicose veins anymore.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Treatment of varicose veins

Varicose veins can be treated and you can also have lifestyle changes to improve the problem. The main objectives of undergoing the treatment are to prevent complications, relieve symptoms, and to improve the appearance of the varicose veins. In case the varicose veins cause minor symptoms then you may be advised by the best vein doctor in SD to make lifestyle changes. If the symptoms are severe, then you will be advised to undergo one of the procedures to treat varicose veins. The treatment will help reduce the symptoms but it will not prevent the varicose veins from forming.


Lifestyle changes

One of the treatments which is not costly is making lifestyle changes. You will reduce the varicose veins from going from bad to worse by making a few changes to your lifestyle. Some of them lifestyle changes include not standing or sitting for long. You should not cross your legs when you are sitting. Always try to raise your feet when resting or sleeping. Take part in activities that will ensure their flow of blood to your legs. Losing weight will help especially if you are obese. You should not wear tight clothes as they can make the condition worse. Limit the number of times you wear your heels. You can aso opt for lower heeled shoes. The Vein Doctor In SD will advise you to use compression stockings will also help in reducing the varicose veins problem.

Other treatment methods

If the lifestyle changes do not do anything to reduce the varicose veins, you need to undergo medical treatments. The Best Varicose Vein Doctor In San Diego will decide on the appropriate method to use depending on the type of varicose vein.


In the sclerotherapy treatment, the Best Varicose Vein Doctor In SD uses a liquid chemical to close the varicose veins. The chemical works by causing irritation to the veins which will cause the vein to close off. The procedure is suitable for spider veins and smaller varicose veins. It does not require any anesthesia because it can be done in the doctor's office while you are standing. To completely close off the vein you have to go for several treatments. The treatment is of every four weeks. The best Spider Vein Doctor In SD will wrap your legs in elastic bandage to reduce swelling and help with healing.


Microsclerotherapy is a treatment for spider veins and small varicose veins. A chemical is used in this method. The best Spider Vein Specialist In San Diego will inject liquid chemical into the vein using a fine needle. The chemical will scar the inner lining of the veins and make them close off.

Laser Surgery

The laser is an effective method used in treating varicose veins. The Best Vein Specialist In San Diego applies light energy in the varicose veins. The laser light works by making the veins to fade away. It is a suitable treatment method for smaller veins. There is no cutting or chemical used in this varicose vein treatment method.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Spider Vein Treatment - Find the Best kind of Vein Doctor!

The removal of Spider vein used to be quite tricky as well as difficult and dreary process. The condition usually affects millions of the people all around the world. Moreover, the traditional surgery was only available option that could help to treat them in past, but now the procedures have even caught up as well as offered some fresh methods related to spider vein removal devoid of having to always employ old methods.


The exact and the precise cause of such condition is yet not completely understood. It is at times also genetic, or even linked with significant parts of growth that involve much of hormones, such as puberty. Obesity may also be well linked to the spider veins, and also excess of the sun exposure on the fair or particularly light skin.

With the help of Spider Vein Specialist San Diego, the vein condition is usually much confused with the varicose veins, quite more serious condition that will also affects big veins, but two are also linked to each other, meaning the fixing such kind of condition should be at top of the priority list in case you are looking for Spider Vein Specialist In San Diego to avoid varicose veins.

The Vein treatments by Best Vein Specialist In San Diego may also be quite lengthy process. At the initial level, people with the painful spider veins as well as at times you may also try to mitigate pain through using the ibuprofen or even the aspirin, as well as wearing the compression socks that might even help to stimulate the flow of blood, neither of such kind of the offer a perfect kind of the solution. The other step will be to search for the most appropriate as well as the permanent answer. There are also some of the couple which has the proven methods of offering the permanent treatment for spider vein removal. This kind of solution also usually irritates the veins, as well as also causes them to clump along together, initiate the blood clot. However, the Scar tissue would subsequently form and there are over a period of time, thereby leading to vein that could also fade away.

To get rid from spider veins problems it is really important that you should look for Best Spider Vein Specialist In San Diego that will help you to get rid from any kind of pain and problem. Spider vein removal is on the face, which is quite common location for the veins to be, is mainly treated with the help of the laser treatment. Also, Best Varicose Vein Doctor In San Diego offers a great variety of the laser treatments which are also used for the purpose of treating these conditions. They also consist long-pulsed, variable pulsed, pulsed that are among others. Since different types of skin require different kind of lasers, the dermatologist will also tell you which is the best and most suitable treatment for you.

Source Article : http://sandiegoveindoctors.over-blog.com/2019/04/spider-vein-treatment-find-the-best-kind-of-vein-doctor.html  

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

How you should choose the best Varicose Vein Doctor

Patients, as well as the prospective patients must never be afraid of asking various sets of questions from the doctors. When they usually feel uncomfortable to check the questions the family member or the friend can act as the advocate of patient. When the doctor is actually uncomfortable  to answer or to avoids answering any of the questions it is the great sign they does not have correct and reliable answer. When it happens it is certainly the correct time to move on as well as to talk with a different and Best Spider Vein Doctor In San Diego. On the other hand, the chances are quite high that they are not comfortable with technology or with the set of the procedures which is required by the patient.


It is important that you should check that how many varicose vein procedures the Vein Doctor In SD have performed and were there any set of complications that have encountered? Yes, you should believe that it is much significant and crucial question and it must be well answered with any kind of the answer pertaining to semi-detailed. It is always suggested that you should never take random answers such as many, a few from Vein Doctor SD. Rather you should ask for precise. The Best Vein Doctor In San Diego should be also able to give you clear an estimated number answer such as about 10, over 50, or minimum 100 or at least something like that. It is significant because of learning curve which is quite much important and crucial essential to become highly proficient to perform the latest treatment procedures.

You should also choose the phlebologist or SD Vein Doctor that has truly perfected their technique. It might also produce some better kind of the outcome. Moreover, is it significant to ask SD Vein Specialist about any kind of the complications and also how many they have usually encountered. This question might quite well create a general kind of answer like few but the significant fact that you require is that they should know about any kind of the complications which might usually occur and they clearly understand how to treat the issue. Also you should check out if they will be a Vein Specialist In SD treating any kind of the complication that might happen or would be additional doctor perform this.

You should check Vein Specialist SD that where will the procedures of venous treatments be performed? The treatments of Varicose vein generally used today are mainly developed to be performed in office or clinic of the doctor. They does not need any specific kind of the hospital setting as well as general anesthesia. Basically, there are two specific kind of the reasons why a doctor might use the hospital to offer such kind of the procedures. The initial reason is that these does do not actually possess the important equipment like the laser and ultrasound machine and it will also utilize equipment as well as supplies provided by hospital or by the sales representative. The next reason might be that they does not have any requisite necessary skills to perform ultrasound examination which is needed and will make proper use of hospital ultrasound technician.

What to Look For When Seeking A Vein Specialist?

If you are one of those individuals that are struggling with the affliction of varicose veins, you may also be searching for the best vein...